Chasing Lime

Learn how to travel the Caribbean!


What is Chasing Lime?

As an introductory post we thought we should let you know what we mean by Chasing Lime.  Chasing Lime is a lifestyle, it’s a choice to pursue the blue waters and white sand beaches of the Caribbean.  While it shouldn’t necessarily be exclusive to the Caribbean, Ashley and I have certainly decided it’s our passion to start Chasing Lime in this part of the world.  

For Americans in particular, it’s an easy trip (usually just a 2-4 hour flight) depending on what part of the country you’re traveling from.  We’ve also found that the Caribbean offers something for every type of traveler.  Everything from hiking Mt. Luimuiga on St. Kitts, to diving Palancar Reef in Cozumel, or swimming with pigs in the Exuma Island Chain of the Bahamas. 

As we’ve traveled we’ve found that many people are in a similar situation that we’re in.  We work, we have kids, and we don’t have unlimited funds to travel with.  Despite the grind of day to day life, Ashley and I have found ways to travel to the Caribbean at least 5 times a year.  Sometimes we bring the kids, sometimes it’s just us.  Sometimes it’s 2 nights, sometimes if 5.  We’ve spent over $10,000 on a trip (just 1) and have found ways to travel for right around $1,000 all in!  

Our mission here is to inspire you to do the same thing.  Get out there!  

We want to share this lifestyle of travel with you, so follow us and we’ll tell you about how to get there and what do when you’re there!   Also, we want to interact with our readers and followers so feel free to send us your pictures, stories, and tell us about your experiences in the Caribbean as you start Chasing Lime!